It's finally here! The ultimate, and i mean ULTIMATE list of twitter chats for bloggers and business owners. Fellow blogger
Nicole aka
Mrs Jeeby at
Mrs Jeeby's Survival Kit have joined forces to give you this extensive list, as well as some free printables and a downloadable calendar.
I'm hoping if you're reading this post you'll at least know what a twitter chat is and how it works?! But i just want to remind you why they're such a great way to engage and network your blog and/or business. Each twitter chat is designed to gather people with the same interest to the same place at one time, most chats have a Q&A style interaction or a general topic to discuss, from personal goals to building a community on instagram, to bloggers of colour around the world. There is something for everyone and is such a fantastic way to not only boost your followers across social media (especially with link sharing) but to gain new insights, learn from the experts and gain some new friends and fans of what you do.
Every chat that i take part in i gain a handful of new followers, and seeing as there is at least 2 chats on every single day of the week, you can see how becoming present and getting involved with these will dramatically grow your following. Whether you want to attract more people to your amazing business or want more people to be drawn to your blog, it's really a no brainer to be utilising these chats. Before I launch straight in with the extremely long list I just want to share a few tips on getting the most out of the Twitter chats:
- Firstly, you really need to be ENGAGING, you've got one hour (usually) in a chat to make as many new online friends as possible! So tweet people your honest thoughts, opinions, emojis and gifs, get your personality across and really try and add value to the chat. If you can't bring value then show support and thank people for their advice, ask questions and for feedback and always end on a positive note.
- Second of all: BE CONSISTENT! I've made the list really easy for you to be able to see when each chat takes place and pick and chose which one you'd like to take part in but the key is to do at LEAST one a week, bare minimum! There's more than 2 taking place every single day so block in just one hour a week to take part and if that's really all you can do, schedule tweets in to go live during the Twitter hours that are most relevant to your brand/blog/business so at least you're getting seen in the right places
- Thirdly and most importantly: Don't dump your link and run expecting followers to come flocking (grr, this is such a pet hate of mine!). Yes self promotion is necessary and an important part but if people are leaving you their links or if you're happy to promote yourself, be decent enough to go and have a look at other peoples hard work. I've made a point lately of going back through my notifications after the end of a chat and commenting on every persons blog who has left me their link and followed them up with a tweet. Not only is getting your link out there going to improve your SEO, but by tweeting them telling them what you think they'll be reminded to go and check you out too! Ever heard, what goes around comes around?
Go and catch my tweets
HERE if you want to see how it's done!
Right, now with those points out the way, here is pretty much every relevant and current twitter chat that you need to know about. These are all listed in UK time so please bare that in mind!
#creativebizhour for creatives, designers and artists etc 8-9pm
#MHmonday (mental health monday) 8-9pm
#beautybabble for all things beauty hosted by @rebeccagoodyear 8-9pm
#bdib (bloggers do it better) 8-9pm
#bloggingbunchchat 7-11pm
#ambitionista for ambitious women worldwide 2am-3am
#dorsethour for businesses and bloggers in Dorset 7:30-8:30pm
#beechat for bloggers hosted by @beechat 5-6pm
#fbloggers for fashion bloggers 7-8pm
#mumshour @mumshour 8-9pm
#mummieshour hosted by @networkingmummy for parents in business 8-9pm
#thegirlgang for girl bloggers hosted by @dorkfaceblog 6-7pm
#MondayMadness general business shoutouts for the UK 8:30-9:30pm
#irishbloggers irish beauty fashion and lifestyle bloggers 8:30-9:30pm
#craftblogclub for crafty bloggers, hosted by @CraftBlogClub 7-8pm
#misfitbloggers 6-7pm
#bbeautychat hosted by @bbeautychat for beauty bloggers 7-8pm
#mybchat marketing your blog, pr and general networking 7-9pm
#veganhour for vegans 7-8pm
#askablogger 7-8pm
#bloghour 8-9pm
#sbnchat scottish blogger network chat 7-8pm
#tweetursis a chat to promote small business for women 9-10pm
#ukblogtalk general blog chat 8-9pm
#tribalchat @mummyinatutu for bloggers and non bloggers 8-9pm
#fblchat fashion beauty and lifestyle bloggers 8pm
#bookbloggers 7-8pm
#FAbbloggers 8-9pm
#teacupclub worlwide blogger chat 5-6pm
#weddingmarket 5pm-6pm (global chat)
#smallbizchat 1-2am (global chat)
#altchat for designers and bloggers 5-6pm
#DevonHour 8-9pm
#stylechat fashion bloggers 8-9pm
#bloggingbunchchat 7-11pm
#prodchat (productivity chat) midnight
#brandchat 3pm (global chat)
#WeddingHour hour devoted to weddings/wedding-related businesses across UK 9-10pm
#WedChat Wedding related chat and networking 8:30-9:30pm
#BuyBritishBrands Promoting the goods and services of Great Britain 8:30-9:30pm
#bloggersoc Bloggers of colour 8-9pm
#brandchat 4pm
#blogtacular 9-10pm
#bbloggers for Beauty Bloggers 8-9pm
#lbloggers for Lifestyle bloggers 7-8pm
#handmadehour for those selling handmade goodies 7:30pm-8:30pm
#createlounge for bloggers and creative businesses midnight
#diychat first thursday of every month 12pm (lunchtime)
#bbabeschat all bloggers 8-9pm
#beechat for all bloggers 9-10pm
#crazybloggers 7-8pm
#cbloggers creative bloggers 8:30-9:30pm
#vloggerschat vlogger chat 8-9pm
#fdbloggers foodie bloggers 8-9pm
#disneybloggerschat for bloggers that blog about Disney 8-9pm
#cfbloggers cruelty free bloggers 8-9pm
#bloggerspace all bloggers 7-8pm
#monetisemyblog 8-9pm
#SouthWestHour networking for those in the south west 2-3pm
#MumpreneurHour for entrepreneurial mums to network and connect 9-10pm
#bdib (bloggers do it better) 8-9pm
#bloggingbunchchat 7-11pm
#beautychat for all things beauty 7-8pm
#ukbloggers 9-10pm
#ConnectFriday general networking UK wide for business and bloggers 10-11am
#mblogchat for mum bloggers 8-9pm
#gbloggers gorgeous bloggers (for all bloggers) 7-8pm
#fblchat for fashion beauty and lifestyle bloggers 3-4pm
#socialbloggers 6pm
#everyblogger 7-8pm
#SatChat general networking 8-9:15am
#SpeedNetworking UK general networking for businesses and organizations 6pm to 7pm
#bbeautychat hosted by @bbeautychat for beauty bloggers 9-10pm
#brownbeauty hosted by @brownbeautytalk to discuss issued that effect WOC 8-9pm
#teacupclub worldwide casual blogger chat 5-6pm
#chatterblog hosted by @thumbelina683 8-9pm
#blogospherechat hosted by @blogospherem magazine 8-9pm
#lbloggers lifestyle bloggers hosted by @lbloggers sunday8-9pm
#pbloggers parent bloggers 9-10pm
#chattybees for chatty bloggers @BloggerBees sunday 8pm
#igchat all about instagram 6-7pm
#fitbunniescfat for fitness chat 6-7pm
#CraftHour 7-8pm
#bloggerationchat 9:30-10:30am
#brumhour birmingham businesses and bloggers 8-9pm
#pabchat hosted by @Pabchat 'pick a blogger' 5-6pm
#psbloggers (plus size bloggers) 9-10pm
#30sbloggers bloggers over thirty 9-10pm
#handmadehour @handmadehour 8pm-9pm
#greenchat @amberbeautytalk for green beauty bloggers 8-9pm
#B2BHour hosted by @B2Bhour 3-4pm general networking and a chance to shout out your business
#BizHour 2-3pm
#ltbloggers (lunchtime bloggers) 7 days a week
*PHEW* and breathe.
There we have it. The ULTIMATE blogger AND business chat for you all. Please, please PLEASE let me know if there's one missing off this list or if you've started a new one. I want to keep this list as up to date as possible. oh and we're super handy and have created some free printables for you to either save on your phone, stick in your planner of pin on a board AND a downloadable calendar that can be synced to your google calendar to make life easier. all you have to do to download the calendar is click >
ENJOY and get tweeting!
Labels: blogger help, blogging tips, business, collaboration, useful tips